
现在招聘 重型设备和工业发动机技术 马上申请

澳门新葡京博彩 ThinkBIG Technician Intern 程序 can help you meet the challenge with training in the specific requirements of 新葡京博彩官网 and 毛毛虫®.

新葡京博彩官网 – in conjunction with Oklahoma State University Institute of 技术 in Okmulgee, OK -已经发展 ThinkBIG, a cooperative two-year college-level technician education 程序 leading to an Associate’s Degree in Applied Science. Students accepted to the OSU IT 程序 have the opportunity to work with their head and their hands on the most advanced and powerful machines designed and built by 毛毛虫, 世界领先的电力系统和建筑设备制造商.

这个为期两年的大学课程结合了课堂和实践学习, teaching students how to service diesel heavy equipment using cutting-edge diagnostic and maintenance systems, 先进技术和高科技工具. No more sitting in class wondering if what you’re learning is relevant; you’ll use everything you learn and you’ll know why it’s important. Students will spend half their time on campus for technical instruction while the rest of the time is spent getting real-world training through a 带薪实习 在沃伦·卡特经销店.

的目的 ThinkBIG 程序 is to upgrade the professional and technical competency of incoming 新葡京博彩官网 technicians. 学生被训练以分析诊断, 按照推荐的程序维修和维护猫产品, 特殊工具和服务信息.

的 course content enables successful graduates to advance as heavy equipment technicians after additional experience and to understand new systems and components as they are introduced. Those who complete the 程序 become a part of a team that helps to get important work done in our world such as energy production, 主要建筑工程以及道路, 公路及基础设施建设.


被录取的学生 ThinkBIG Technician Intern 程序 not only have the opportunity to work on equipment from the world’s leading heavy equipment manufacturer, but the 程序 also provides a number of additional educational and financial benefits to participants including:

  • Teaching from expert instructors with extensive real-world experience and knowledge in current industry best practices and standards
  • 学费发还(四年80%)
  • 州内学费和财政援助
  • Provided toolbox for 程序 duration and tools ($6500) fully owned by employee after year two
  • GPA绩效工资
  • 在课程期间,工资率每学期增加
  • 由相关设备分销商(AED)认证

ThinkBIG 实习项目还包括四年的研究生承诺. 沃伦·卡特认真对待招聘过程. 我们不仅要确保你适合这个项目, 你需要确定这个项目适合你. 作为沃伦CAT的技术员, 你会处理一些最大的, 世界上最勤劳的机器. 作为一名毕业生 ThinkBIG 程序, 你会成为一个高技能的, 经过技术培训, 全球猫经销商家族的热门成员. 如果你有正确的态度, 职业道德和技能, 是时候考虑一下沃伦·卡特的职业选择了.


有关沃伦CAT的更多信息 ThinkBIG 实习生计划,请访问俄勒冈州立大学理工学院网站 有关一般节目问题,请通过techintern@warrencat与我们联系.com.




  1. Split curriculum training at Oklahoma State University Institute of 技术 in Okmulgee, OK consisting of classroom instruction and hands-on-sessions lasting approximately two years.
  2. 新葡京博彩官网带薪实习,让你学以致用. 这是这个项目最重要的元素之一. 澳门新葡京博彩 branches that currently sponsor students are located across West Texas and Oklahoma.


在参加项目期间, 赞助学院将提供现场授课(收费), 为上课的学生提供校园住宿. 同时履行你的实习职责, 你将尽可能在离家乡近的地方工作.


实习期间, 你将直接与机器和训练有素的技术人员一起工作, 并了解成为沃伦·卡特家族的一员是什么感觉. 你将在经销商主店的各个领域与导师一起工作. 学生们在不上课的时候工作. This includes opportunities for extra hours and income during semester and holiday breaks when available.


We want to make sure you have the tooling necessary to be a successful 新葡京博彩官网 technician. A set of tooling is provided on site at the college and at the shop at the beginning of the 程序. 毕业后,并提供全职工作, a 新葡京博彩官网 tool allowance 程序 is available to assist purchasing the required tools for employment.



  • 最低绩点2.5
  • 通过基本机械能力测试
  • 已经或即将获得高中文凭或同等学历
  • 第一次实习时必须年满18岁
  • 能够达到大学入学要求, which include placement testing and an application and interview process with 新葡京博彩官网
  • 通过药物筛选和体检

你必须被新葡京博彩官网和OSU IT都接受才能参加.


新葡京博彩官网 will pay for a portion of the tuition cost depending on the college you attend. You will also receive an hourly wage for all hours worked in the sponsoring branch. 的re are opportunities to make enough money during internships to pay for many of the costs associated with the 程序, 包括生活费.

在通过赞助大学申请经济援助之后, 新葡京博彩官网将以您的名义提供学费援助. Payment is made directly to the school on your behalf, and requires that you maintain a 2.5平均绩点.


Students who wish to become members of the 新葡京博彩官网 technician internship 程序 should make application early in the spring semester (January – March), 如果可能的话. 这为处理经济援助计划留出了时间, 确定预备班的需要, 赞助收购, 等.


  • 完整的简历和/或联系信息通过电子邮件发送至
  • Completed college application for admission (visit the sponsoring college website for forms and details)*
  • Completed student assessment process; includes placement testing (SAT)
  • 在课程开始前完成预备课程
  • 签署并交回资料发布表格
  • Interview and mechanical aptitude testing with 新葡京博彩官网 for students who successfully complete the admission process. 面试和测试在当地沃伦CAT地点进行.

After acceptance by a sponsoring college and passing the 新葡京博彩官网 interview and pre-employment testing requirements, 该学生将被正式录取.

*NOTE: OSU IT requires that ALL students be sponsored by a Dealership to attend the ThinkBIG 实习生计划.


有关沃伦CAT的更多信息 technician internship 程序, visit the OSU IT website. 一般节目问题,请发邮件至